


下列圖表展示了國際音標(IPA)在維基百科條目中表示馬拉提語發音的方式。對於有關在維基百科條目中添加IPA字符的指南,請參見{{IPA-mr}}與Wikipedia:格式手冊/音標 § Notes

請參閱馬拉提語音系英語Marathi phonology以更全面地了解馬拉提語的發音。

IPA[1] 馬拉提文[1] IAST 英語中的近似發音
b b abash
[2] bh clubhouse
d d deal (齒音)
dh redhead (齒音)
ɖ 美國英語 bird
ɖʱ ḍh 美國英語 birdhouse
[3] j jazz
dʑʱ[3] jh hedgehog
ɡ g again
ɡʱ gh loghouse
ɦ h have
j य, ञ y yak
k k scan
kh can
l l lot
ɭ̆[4] 近似 bell
m m might
n n not
ŋ sing
ɳ 美國英語 burn
ɲ ñ minion
p p spot
[5] ph pot
ɾ r 美國英語 atom
ʃ ś ship
ʂ 美國英語 worship
s[6] s see
t t bit (齒音)
th table (齒音)
ʈ parts
ʈʰ ṭh partake
[7] c catch
tɕʰ[7] ch beachead
ʋ v 介於 wine 和 vine 之間
IPA 馬拉提文 IAST 英語中的近似發音
ā father
æ अ‍ॅ æ trap
ə a about
e e 蘇格蘭英語 may
i i happy
ī keep
o o 蘇格蘭英語 sole
ɔ a not
u u look
ū boot
əi ai 近似 buy
əm अं am rhythm
əu au 近似 go
ru rule
ˈ 重讀
◌ː 長輔音


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 In the letter series beginning with क, क = क् + अ; ka = k + a. Thus 'क' has the inherent vowel 'अ', giving 'क' without added vowel sign using diacritics (The halanta "्" is removed). But the IPA shown here has the consonant 'k' only & does not include the vowel 'a'.
  2. ^ /bʱ/ is pronounced either as [bʱ] or [v].
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 /dʑ/ and /dʑʱ/ phonetically may be either [dʑ] and [dʑʱ], [dz] and [dzʱ] or [] and [dʒʱ] depending on the variety and speaker.
  4. ^ /ɭ̆/ is pronounced either as [ɭ̆] or [ɭ].
  5. ^ /pʰ/ is pronounced either as [pʰ] or [f].
  6. ^ /s/ is pronounced either as [s] or [ɕ].
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 /tɕ/ and /tɕʰ/ phonetically may be either [tɕ] and [tɕʰ] or [ts] and [tsʰ], [] and [tʃʰ] depending on the variety and speaker.

