

病毒分類 編輯
(未分級) 病毒 Virus
域: 核糖病毒域 Riboviria
界: 正核糖病毒界 Orthornavirae
門: 負核糖病毒門 Negarnaviricota
綱: 單荊病毒綱 Monjiviricetes
目: 單股反鏈病毒目 Mononegavirales
科: 絲狀病毒科 Filoviridae
屬: 伊波拉病毒屬 Ebolavirus
薩伊伊波拉病毒 Zaire ebolavirus

薩伊伊波拉病毒Zaire ebolavirus,EBOV)舊稱EBOV-Z或ZEBOV,是絲狀病毒科伊波拉病毒屬的一種病毒,為該屬的六種病毒之一[1],與蘇丹伊波拉病毒(SUDV)、本迪布焦伊波拉病毒(BDBV)和象牙海岸伊波拉病毒(TAFV)皆可導致伊波拉出血熱。歷史上多數伊波拉病毒疫情皆是此病毒株感染所致,例如2013年至2016年的西非伊波拉病毒疫情[2],共有28,646人感染,其中11,323人死亡[3]

薩伊伊波拉病毒得名自其發現地薩伊共和國伊波拉河(今剛果民主共和國[1],1976年8月該國北部亞布庫(近伊波拉河)爆發疫情[4],致病病原最初被認為是馬爾堡病毒的新毒株[5][6][7],1998年被正式命名為薩伊伊波拉病毒[8][9],在文獻中常被簡稱為伊波拉病毒。此病毒的原型英語Type (biology)為Mayinga株(EBOV/May),得名自1976年疫情中逝世的護士Mayinga N'Seka英語Mayinga N'Seka[1][10][11]



  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Kuhn JH, Becker S, Ebihara H, Geisbert TW, Johnson KM, Kawaoka Y, Lipkin WI, Negredo AI, et al. Proposal for a revised taxonomy of the family Filoviridae: Classification, names of taxa and viruses, and virus abbreviations. Archives of Virology. 2010, 155 (12): 2083–2103. PMC 3074192可免費查閱. PMID 21046175. doi:10.1007/s00705-010-0814-x. 
  2. ^ Na, Woonsung; Park, Nanuri; Yeom, Minju; Song, Daesub. Ebola outbreak in Western Africa 2014: what is going on with Ebola virus?. Clinical and Experimental Vaccine Research. 4 December 2016, 4 (1): 17–22. ISSN 2287-3651. PMC 4313106可免費查閱. PMID 25648530. doi:10.7774/cevr.2015.4.1.17. 
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  4. ^ Isaacson M, Sureau P, Courteille G, Pattyn, SR. Clinical Aspects of Ebola Virus Disease at the Ngaliema Hospital, Kinshasa, Zaire, 1976. European Network for Diagnostics of "Imported" Viral Diseases (ENIVD). [2014-06-24]. (原始內容存檔於2014-08-04). 
  5. ^ Pattyn S, Jacob W, van der Groen G, Piot P, Courteille G. Isolation of Marburg-like virus from a case of haemorrhagic fever in Zaire. Lancet. 1977, 309 (8011): 573–574. PMID 65663. S2CID 33060636. doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(77)92002-5. 
  6. ^ Bowen ETW, Lloyd G, Harris WJ, Platt GS, Baskerville A, Vella EE. Viral haemorrhagic fever in southern Sudan and northern Zaire. Preliminary studies on the aetiological agent. Lancet. 1977, 309 (8011): 571–573. PMID 65662. S2CID 3092094. doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(77)92001-3. 
  7. ^ Brown, Rob. The virus detective who discovered Ebola. BBC News. 2014-07-18 [2022-10-29]. (原始內容存檔於2021-10-26). 
  8. ^ Netesov SV, Feldmann H, Jahrling PB, Klenk HD, Sanchez A. Family Filoviridae. van Regenmortel MHV, Fauquet CM, Bishop DHL, Carstens EB, Estes MK, Lemon SM, Maniloff J, Mayo MA, McGeoch DJ, Pringle CR, Wickner RB (編). Virus Taxonomy – Seventh Report of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses. San Diego: Academic Press. 2000: 539–548. ISBN 978-0123702005. 
  9. ^ Pringle, C. R. Virus taxonomy – San Diego 1998. Archives of Virology. 1998, 143 (7): 1449–1459. PMID 9742051. S2CID 13229117. doi:10.1007/s007050050389. 
  10. ^ Wahl-Jensen V, Kurz SK, Hazelton PR, Schnittler HJ, Stroher U, Burton DR, Feldmann H. Role of Ebola Virus Secreted Glycoproteins and Virus-Like Particles in Activation of Human Macrophages. Journal of Virology. 2005, 79 (4): 2413–2419. PMC 546544可免費查閱. PMID 15681442. doi:10.1128/JVI.79.4.2413-2419.2005. 
  11. ^ Kesel AJ, Huang Z, Murray MG, Prichard MN, Caboni L, Nevin DK, Fayne D, Lloyd DG, Detorio MA, Schinazi RF. Retinazone inhibits certain blood-borne human viruses including Ebola virus Zaire. Antiviral Chemistry & Chemotherapy. 2014, 23 (5): 197–215. PMC 7714485可免費查閱. PMID 23636868. S2CID 34249020. doi:10.3851/IMP2568. 
  12. ^ Henao-Restrepo, Ana Maria; et al. Efficacy and effectiveness of an rVSV-vectored vaccine in preventing Ebola virus disease: final results from the Guinea ring vaccination, open-label, cluster-randomised trial (Ebola Ça Suffit!). The Lancet. 22 December 2016, 389 (10068): 505–518. PMC 5364328可免費查閱. PMID 28017403. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(16)32621-6. 
  13. ^ Berlinger, Joshua. Ebola vaccine gives 100% protection, study finds. CNN. 22 December 2016 [27 December 2016]. (原始內容存檔於2016-12-27). 
  14. ^ First FDA-approved vaccine for the prevention of Ebola virus disease, marking a critical milestone in public health preparedness and response. U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). 19 December 2019 [19 December 2019]. (原始內容存檔於20 December 2019).