

NGC 4650A:极环星系的一个例子。拍摄者:哈伯太空望远镜NASAESA


最早被辨认出来的四个极环星系是NGC 2685[3]NGC 4650A[4][5]A 0136 -0801[2]、和 ESO 415 -G26[5],当这些星系被广泛的研究之后,许多其他的极环星系也被辨认了出来[6]。极环星系在邻近的透镜星系中仅占了0.5%,但是可能有5%的透镜星系在其一生中曾经历过极环星系的过程[6]


  1. ^ James Binney, Michael Merrifield. Galactic Astronomy. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press. 1998. ISBN 0-691-00402-1. 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 F. Schweizer, B. C. Whitmore, V. C. Rubin. Colliding and merging galaxies. II - S0 galaxies with polar rings. Astronomical Journal. 1983, 88: 909–925. doi:10.1086/113377. 
  3. ^ P. L. Schecter, J. E. Gunn. NGC 2685 - Spindle or pancake. Astronomical Journal. 1978, 83: 1360–1362. doi:10.1086/112324. 
  4. ^ J. L. Sérsic. Southern Peculiar Galaxies III. Zeitschrift für Astrophysik. 1967, 67: 306–311. 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 B. C. Whitmore, D. B. McElroy, F. Schweizer. The shape of the dark halo in polar-ring galaxies. Astrophysical Journal. 1987, 314: 439–456. doi:10.1086/165077. 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 B. C. Whitmore, R. A. Lucas, D. B. McElroy, T. Y. Steiman-Cameron, P. D. Sackett, R. P. Olling. New observations and a photographic atlas of polar-ring galaxies. Astronomical Journal. 1990, 100: 1489–1522, 1721–1755 [2008-07-07]. doi:10.1086/115614. (原始内容存档于2008-02-24). 

