


有用的白痴(useful idiot)是一個政治術語,指的是為某一事業進行宣傳而不完全清楚這一事業的目標的人,常被這一事業的領導人用於諷刺[1][2]。該詞最初使用於冷戰期間,以形容易於受到共產黨宣傳和操縱影響的非共產黨人士[1]。該詞經常被認作是列寧所說[3],也有說法稱是卡爾·拉狄克所說。[4]



  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 useful idiot. Oxford English Dictionary. Oxford University Press. 2017. 
  2. ^ Holder, R. W., useful fool, Oxford Dictionary of Euphemisms, Oxford University Press: 394, 2008, ISBN 978-0199235179, useful fool – a dupe of the Communists. Lenin's phrase for the shallow thinkers in the West whom the Communists manipulated. Also as useful idiot. 
  3. ^ Columnist, Jeff Jacoby Globe; December 25; 2016; Comments, 12:00 a m Email to a Friend Share on Facebook Share on TwitterPrint this Article View. As socialism shattered Venezuela, the useful idiots applauded - The Boston Globe. BostonGlobe.com. [2020-05-12]. (原始內容存檔於2021-03-08). 
  4. ^ Политика: теоретический и политический журнал ЦК КП Эстонии. Изд-во ЦК КП Эстонии. 1990-09-12 –透過Google Books.