




建築名稱 照片 建設時間 備註 參考
巴特爾廳 1911 曾是UT校園的主要圖書館,現主要作為建築規劃圖書館、亞歷山大建築館及美國建築中心。此建築被記錄在國家史跡名錄中。該建築由建築設計師卡斯·吉爾伯特設計。 [1]
巴茨廳 1953 「6 Pack」建築群之一
本篤堂 1951 「6 Pack」建築群之一,且是6幢建築中最先建設的一座
生物實驗室 1923 現主要用於研究植物學 [2]
卡爾霍恩廳 1955 「6 Pack」建築群之一
工商管理學院樓 1962 前稱「工商管理經濟學大廈」。這座建築由兩部分組成:一個七層辦公樓和一個六層的教學樓;是麥庫姆斯商學院的主要教學樓。這座建築也是喬治·柯茲梅斯基中心商業教育樓的一部分 [3]
彼得·T·弗勞恩學術中心 1960 該建築是學生技術和合作中心。因為原本在主樓辦公室因為翻修而被遷移至此,所以此樓同時也稱為主樓附樓。
加里森廳 1925
格鮑爾樓 1904 多蘿西·L·格鮑爾樓,曾作為學生服務大廈。
比爾和梅林達·蓋茨計算機科學樓 2013 由兩棟建築組成:北樓(戴爾計算機科學館)和南樓(未命名)。他們由一個中庭和一系列的協作橋樑連接。  [4]
1973 該建築是德克薩斯大學教育學院、雙語教育辦公室、科學和數學教育中心和Vaughn讀中心和語言藝術中心。  [5]
研究生商學院樓 1976 McCombs商學院研究生課程的總部;喬治Kozmetsky商業教育中心建築群的一部分。 [3]
高士堂 1932 建築學院
哈里·蘭瑟姆人文研究中心 1972 收購和管理重要文化資料的藏品,如稀有書籍,手稿,電影和藝術。 [6]
W·C·霍格樓 1933
霍格紀念禮堂 1932
荷馬雷尼廳 1956 「6 Pack」建築群之一, 曾為「老音樂樓」。它是「6 Pack」建築群的最後一做完工的建築。
瑪麗·E·吉爾林廳 1933 長期被稱為經濟樓
梅澤斯廳 1952 「6 Pack」建築群之一
佩因特廳 1932 曾為物理樓
帕林廳 1954 「6 Pack」建築群之一
佩里-卡斯塔涅達圖書館 1974-1977 學校主要的中央圖書館。 [7]
社會工作學院樓 circa 1935 曾經是大學的附屬中學。國家歷史名勝登記在冊。
希德·理查森館 1971 Dolph Briscoe美國歷史中心、Barker德州歷史收藏館、Benson拉丁美洲收藏館、Lyndon B. Johnson公共事務公共事 (Wasserman) 圖書館、Teresa Lozano長拉丁美洲研究所 (LLILAS)和RGK中心慈善和社區服務中心。
薩頓廳 1917 Cass Gilbert architect
大學教學中心 1981-1984 四層通用教室建築;是喬治Kozmetsky商業教育中心建築群的一部分。 [8]
瓦格納廳 1931 以第一任校長Leslie Waggener的名字命名。最初由商學院使用,現在是哲學系、古典系和古典圖書館的所在地。 [9]
韋爾奇廳 1929, 1958, & 1974 化學樓 [10]
W·R·伍爾里奇實驗室 1958 航空工程工程力學 [11]
文理學院樓 2012 自由藝術與 ROTC


建築名稱 照片 建設時間 備註 參考
約翰·W·哈吉斯廳 本科招生中心,是「小校園」的一部分,它是國家歷史古蹟名錄上的建築。
主樓 1937 Houses the University's main administrative offices. Charles Whitman killed 13 people with a sniper rifle from the top of the tower in 1966. [12]
林蔭西路辦公樓 1961
伍爾德里奇廳 1924 Demolished in 2010. Housed the International Office. Formerly it housed the School of Architecture design studios while Goldsmith Hall was being renovated in the mid to late 1980s. Originally it was the Wooldridge School, an Austin elementary school.


建築名稱 照片 建設時間 備註 參考
1924 舊稱德州紀念體育場,1996年改為現名,以紀念帶領德州贏得3次全國冠軍及11次西南聯盟冠軍的前美式足球隊教練達雷爾·K·羅亞爾英語Darrell Royal [13]
弗蘭克·歐文中心 1977 Sometimes referred to as "The Drum" or "The Superdrum", owing to its drum-like exterior appearance, the facility is the home court for the UT men's and women's basketball programs. [14]
Gregory Gymnasium 1930
Lee and Joe Jamail Texas Swimming Center 1977
Mike A. Myers Track & Soccer Stadium 1999 [15]
Penick-Allison Tennis Center
Red and Charline McCombs Field 1998 [16]
Texas Rowing Center
UFCU Disch-Falk Field 1975 The stadium is named for former Longhorns coaches Billy Disch and Bibb Falk. In 2006, the facility underwent a $21 million renovation and added UFCU to its name following sponsorship by local credit union University Federal Credit Union. [17]
Anna Hiss Gymnasium 1931 Originally the women's gymnasium. In 1994 the natatorium wing was demolished to make way for the Louise and James Robert Moffett Molecular Biology Building. [18]


建築名稱 照片 建設時間 備註 參考
Jack S. Blanton Museum of Art 2006 Art museum. [19]
Dolph Briscoe Center for American History 1971 Organized research unit and public service component of The University of Texas at Austin. Located in Sid Richardson Hall.
林登·約翰遜總統圖書館暨博物館 1971 毗鄰LBJ公共事務學院的LBJ圖書館和博物館收藏着4000萬頁歷史文件,包括林登·約翰遜總統及其親近助手和其他人的文件。
Texas Memorial Museum 1936 UT and Austin's Natural Science & Texas History museum. National Register of Historic Places listed. [20]


建築名稱 照片 建設時間 備註 參考
杜倫公寓樓 2007
安德魯斯公寓樓 1936 [21]
布萊肯瑞吉公寓樓 1933
卡羅瑟斯公寓樓 1937 Carothers Hall was known as "Unit II" until March 1938 when it was renamed in honor of Asenath Carothers, who became the director of The Woman's Building on campus in 1903. In 1937, the hall was built with financial assistance from the Public Works Administration at a cost of $250,000 of which $72,000 was grants and the rest was paid for with loans. Paul Cret was consulting architect for the building and as a result it was made in Spanish Renaissance style with creamy tan bricks and red tile roof. [22]
溪畔公寓樓 1955 Formerly Simkins Dormitory. The dormitory was named after William Stewart Simkins, who was a law professor and a Ku Klux Klan figure. In 2010, the university held a public hearing to discuss the possibility of renaming the building, and the name was changed to Creekside shortly thereafter. It is the last all-male dormitory operated by UT, and once served as the African-American dormitory when UT maintained a segregated campus. [23][24]
傑斯特中心 1969 Named after former governor Beauford H. Jester, Jester Center includes two towers: a 14-level residence and a 10-level residence with a capacity of 3,200. When built, the complex, which occupies a full city block, was the largest residence hall in North America and was the largest building project in University history. [25]
金索爾文公寓樓 1958
利特菲爾德公寓樓 1927
穆爾-伊爾公寓樓 1939–1956 Moore-Hill houses a total of 390 residents in double rooms with community bath spaces. This 5 story coed dormitory houses males on the basement level and on the 1st and 3rd floors. Females live on the 2nd and 4th floors. The mascot of this dorm is the Moore-Hill Pirate.

Moore-Hill dormitory was once two separate living halls, Hill Hall and Moore Hall. Hill Hall was named for Dr. Homer Barksdale Hill of Austin who volunteered to treat the UT Football team from the very first game in 1893 until his death on July 18, 1923. Dr. Hill received his MD from Tulane University and moved to Austin in 1889. Moore Hall was named in memory of Dean Victor Ivan Moore who served as the Dean of Student Life from 1927 until his death on August 6, 1943.

普拉瑟公寓樓 1937
羅伯茨公寓樓 1936
聖哈辛托公寓樓 2000
懷蒂茲·考特公寓樓 2003


  1. ^ Architecture and Planning Library - University of Texas Libraries. (原始內容存檔於2008年5月17日). 
  2. ^ Austin, Joshua T Powell, TRECS with UT. Building Information - Facilities Services. [2017-02-25]. (原始內容存檔於2016-05-26). 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 存档副本. [2013-12-22]. (原始內容存檔於2003-08-19). 
  4. ^ Gates-Dell Complex. [29 April 2015]. (原始內容存檔於2015-05-18). 
  5. ^ George I. Sanchez Building - SZB. [21 July 2013]. (原始內容存檔於2016-06-02). 
  6. ^ Harry Ransom Center. [2020-10-10]. (原始內容存檔於2010-06-04). 
  7. ^ Perry-Castañeda Library - University of Texas Libraries. [2017-02-25]. (原始內容存檔於2017-03-16). 
  8. ^ Berry 1993: 152
  9. ^ Berry 1993: 35
  10. ^ 40 Acres: Buildings. (原始內容存檔於2009-04-26). 
  11. ^ Administrator. Professors Tom Hughes and Mark Mear Win Grand Challenge Awards. [2017-02-25]. (原始內容存檔於2017-02-27). 
  12. ^ Visitor Resources - The University of Texas at Austin. [2017-02-25]. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-04). 
  13. ^ Darrell K Royal-Texas Memorial Stadium. MackBrownTexasFootball. [2008-07-21]. (原始內容存檔於2006-09-05). 
  14. ^ The Official Website of The University of Texas Athletics. [2017-02-25]. (原始內容存檔於2013-05-28). 
  15. ^ The Official Website of The University of Texas Athletics. [2017-02-25]. (原始內容存檔於2013-06-25). 
  16. ^ The Official Website of The University of Texas Athletics. [2017-02-25]. (原始內容存檔於2013-06-13). 
  17. ^ The Official Website of The University of Texas Athletics. [2017-02-25]. (原始內容存檔於2013-06-25). 
  18. ^ 存档副本. [2009-09-08]. (原始內容存檔於2009-08-15). 
  19. ^ Home - Blanton Museum of Art. [2020-10-10]. (原始內容存檔於2000-12-06). 
  20. ^ Austin, Texas Memorial Museum, The University of Texas at. Texas Memorial Museum. 2012-01-02 [2017-02-25]. (原始內容存檔於2015-05-18). 
  21. ^ Austin, Joshua T Powell, TRECS with UT. Building Information - Facilities Services. [2017-02-25]. (原始內容存檔於2016-05-25). 
  22. ^ DHFS Home - Division of Housing and Food Service - The University of Texas at Austin. [2017-02-25]. (原始內容存檔於2016-06-10). 
  23. ^ Haurwitz, Ralph K. M. "UT considers renaming dorm after KKK link found頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館)."
  24. ^ Thompson, Dana.
  25. ^ Visitor Resources - The University of Texas at Austin. (原始內容存檔於2007-03-12). 
  26. ^ "[1]頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館)"