


由 七个点 摘要


七个点 (留言貢獻)
  • 重定向至一个Flow页面的话,无法通过「 例如,如果你在搜索框里面键入“UK”或者跟随维基链接UK,你会被带到条目英国,页面上会有一个提示:“(已重定向自UK)”」這種方式回到重定向頁,因爲這個「(已重定向自UK)」不會被顯示。
  • {{Documentation}}模板参数若为空不会自动引用/doc子页面。</nowiki>
  • 放入描述部分的可变化模块不会变化,解决方法:先清空,再将原来内容放入,即可更新。
  • 放在描述部分的維基代碼會被莫名其妙的加上nowiki「例如上面那段講Documentation模板的話」。解決方法:無法解決,有閒心你可以慢慢把所有nowiki刪掉。
  • 放在描述部分的地區詞差異有時無法被轉換例子在此
  • Flow的话题无法被添加分类;例子在这里
  • 如果一個文段在最底,無法指定回覆這個文段
Trizek (WMF) (留言貢獻)

Again, sorry to use English - 请帮助翻译至您的语言

First of all, some major improvements will be done to Flow. The work on Flow will start on July 2017. Your community will have regular updates, because there is a lot of Flow users on your wiki.

I reply to your feedback based on @Kou Dou's translation.

  • Flow doesn't allows redirections the same way as in articles yet. It is possible to create redirections, but it is a bit more complicated. We are going to fix it (T135538).
  • Concerning the Documentation, I'm not sure to understand the problem you describe, but, based on the comments below, I guess it is not a Flow related problem.
  • Can you clarify the 3rd point? Is it about templates that vary depending on the language you use? If yes, it is something we are going to fix (T106687).
  • Have <nowiki> tags in the description is something that has never been reported. Do you have examples?
  • Simplified Chinese-Traditional Chinese conversion not working is when you use templates or not? It may be similar to the problem 3.
  • Adding categories on a Flow discussion is possible, in the description. French Wikipedia uses it on their Helpdesk.
  • Replying at the bottom of a conversation, by creating an indentation (like this reply) is not possible, because this indentation means that I'm replying to a very specific comment on the thread. It is different from the system used on more classical talk pages and, because it is confusing to some users, we plan to redesign it (T108998).

I highly recommend you to subscribe to the Collaboration team newsletter to get monthly updates. If any Flow users who speak a bit of English and would be happy to help me to contact your community in the future, please volunteer! :)

If you have any other questions, please contact me.

Deryck Chan (留言貢獻)

Trizek, I think you misunderstood Q1. The "bug report" was that when a reader clicked a redirect that pointed to a Flow board, there is no indication on the Flow board that the user had been redirected. (Is there a Phab task for this yet?)

I'll try to translate the rest.

Deryck Chan (留言貢獻)

Also re Q3: I believe it's about caches of a Flow board description not clearing when a transcluded template changes unless you edit the description.

Q5: As far as I can tell, Chinese character conversion simply does not work on a Flow board at the moment, whether it's in the board description, in a thread summary, or in a thread post. And copying wikitext from a page that builds in Chinese conversion instructions to a Flow thread will result in wikisyntax error, as shown in the example given by 七个点.

Trizek (WMF) (留言貢獻)

Thank you for the time you spent on all this feedback @Deryck Chan!

There is no redirect indication (T60763) and other missing features concerning redirections (T135538).

The transclusion system and the character conversion have both issues, which are known (T95497). Concerning the character conversion, it is very problematic because zh.wikipedia uses Flow a lot (like Wikidata). Both wiki use transclusion system to display elements in messages. For Wikidata, when you quote an element, you will not see it in your interface language, but only in English.

Character conversion is important, I'll ask to have it added to this year plan.

Deryck Chan (留言貢獻)


介面不顯示用戶已被重定向,是一個已知缺撼。請跟進 T60763T135538 的持續更新。

語言和字詞轉換是一個重點問題,因為中文維基百科和維基數據都是大量使用 Flow 的計劃,而且兩者都有很多按用戶語言轉換模板內容的用法。T95497 持續更新 Flow 裡面的語言轉換支援相關事宜。我 (Trizek) 正爭取將語言轉換列為優先事項,加進今年的工作計劃。

七个点 (留言貢獻)


Deryck Chan (留言貢獻)


  1. Flow 創建重定向的方法暫時跟條目不同。重定向是可能的,但方法有點複雜。這個功能的未來發展請見 phab:T135538
  2. (不翻,以下已解釋不關 Flow 的事)
  3. 不清楚你的問題是甚麼。是那些會按用戶介面語言而變化的模板嗎?(phab:T106687)
  4. 沒聽過這樣的狀況,請給示例。
  5. 你是指模板裡面的內容嗎?(見第3項)
  6. Flow 討論頁是可以放進分類的。示例請見法語維基百科這一頁
  7. 回覆最後一分段不會縮排,是現行設計的一部分,但有不少用戶提出相同質疑,所以設計以後會有變。(T108998)


七个点 (留言貢獻)


Trizek (WMF) (留言貢獻)


My translation tool is not good. I can't understand your feedback. I'm asking for help at 维基百科:大使館.

Yejianfei (留言貢獻)

This is the translation:

  • As for redirection to a flow page, it won't prompt the redirection, for example, if you want to access the page "UK", and the page is redirected to "United Kingdom", and then it won't show the prompt "Redirected from UK" if it is a flow page.
  • If the {{Documentation}} template is empty, then it won't include the /doc subpage.
  • Changing in description part cannot take effect. Solution: empty it, and then re-type the contents, and then it will take effect.
  • Sometimes the wikicode will show "nowiki" tag mysteriously. Unsolvable, you may delete "nowiki" tag one by one if you have time.
  • Failure in the conversion between simplified Chinese characters and traditional Chinese characters, e.g. this
  • The topics in Flow Discussions cannot be added to categories, e.g. this
  • If a section is at the bottom of a topic, then the section cannot be replied to.
Trizek (WMF) (留言貢獻)
  • You can find a redirect by adding ?redirect=no at the end of the URL: https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/UK?redirect=no
  • So that documentation issue is not related to Flow/Structured discussions, right?
  • Changing the description is a known bug. We have discussed about it yesterday with the development lead. See T180565.
  • That nowiki issue will be fixed soon. We are going to use the new wikitext editor (新版wiki文本模式)
  • That issue on conversion will also be fixed soon, more or less by the same change.
  • Topics can be added to categories. To do so, edit the summary ( 编辑话题摘要) and add a category there. You can also use a template that will categorize (waiting for information, in progress...)
  • A section at the bottom only waits for a reply, not an indented one (indented replies are sub topics).
WhitePhosphorus (留言貢獻)

Translated by Kou Dou.

第二项应该不用修,因为Flow的每个话题都是单独页面。 I don't think the second one is something should be fixed for Flow creates an individual page for each topic.

七个点 (留言貢獻)
WhitePhosphorus (留言貢獻)
七个点 (留言貢獻)
WhitePhosphorus (留言貢獻)

啊对对对 = = 反正是模版的问题,不是flow的锅。