


冒險片(英語:adventure film)是電影片種之一[1]。和動作片不同的是,冒險片的動作場景一般都是出現在充滿活力的異國情調的地方[2]

冒險片包括海盜片(英語:swashbuckler film)、災難片(英語:disaster film)、歷史片(英語:historical fiction),類似史詩片(英語:epic film)。主要情節元素是迷失的大陸、沙漠、叢林,人物去英勇尋寶或探險而展開未知旅程。題材來源於歷史故事、傳說、冒險英雄的事跡等。國王、戰爭、叛亂和海盜是常見的職業元素[3]。冒險片同時也結合科幻片(英語:science fiction)、奇幻片(英語:fantasy film)和戰爭片(英語:war film)的情節結構而出現。




  • 爭取正義和反對暴君。如《俠盜羅賓漢》、《佐羅的面具》、《星球大戰》。
  • 懸念和危險的境遇之下,主人公必須逃離。
  • 海盜。(如《加勒比海盜》系列電影)
  • 旅行或者追尋失落的古堡、城邦、寶藏。(如《印地安納·瓊斯》系列、《九層妖塔》)
  • 在過程中,主人公不斷成長、成熟,發現並且掌握自己的命運。(如《星球大戰》、《指環王》)
  • 具有寓意的主題。(如《人猿星球》、《星際迷航》)



  1. ^ as a genre, the adventure film, also sometimes referred to as the "action-adventure" film, is one of the most uniformly popular and stable of categories. [2011-04-13]. (原始內容存檔於2011-01-19). 
  2. ^ the viewer of adventure films can live vicariously through the travels, conquests, explorations, creation of empires, struggles and situations that confront the main characters, actual historical figures or protagonists.. [2011-04-13]. (原始內容存檔於2012-05-30). 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 adventurefilms. [2014-03-17]. (原始內容存檔於2012-05-30). 
  4. ^ Ken Dancyger (2007) and Jeff Rush Alternative scriptwriting, Fourth edition. quote:

    Stereotypes abound in the adventure genre. Examples range from the mad scientist in Dr. No to the mindless thugs in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. The racism implicit in the latter film and films such as First Blood are by-products of the stereotyping rampant in the adventure genre

  5. ^ Thomas Pynchon (1997) Slow Learner. quote: "Modern readers will be, at least, put off by an unacceptable level of racist, sexist and proto-Fascist talk throughout this story [written in the 1950s]. I wish I could say that this is only Pig Bodine's voice, but, sad to say, it was also my own at the time. The best I can say for it now is that, for its time, it is probably authentic enough. John Kennedy's role model James Bond was about to make his name by kicking third-world people around, another extension of the boy's adventure tales a lot of us grew up reading. There had prevailed for a while a set of assumptions and distinctions, unvoiced and unquestioned, best captured years later in the '70's television character Archie Bunker."