


大变形虫英语Amoeba proteus
科学分类 编辑
门: 变形虫门 Amoebozoa
纲: 根足纲 Rhizopodea
目: 变形目 Amoebida
科: 变形虫科 Amoebidae
Ehrenberg, 1838
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变形虫科过去曾被归入变形虫目荷兰语Amoebida(Amoebida)[2][3][4]。1987年,本科被归入叶足纲裸阿米巴亚纲荷兰语Gymnamoebia真变形目德语Euamoebida(Euamoebida),同目还有甲变科英语Thecamoebidae(Thecamoebidae)、哈氏科英语Hartmannellidae(Hartmannellidae)、蒲变科英语Vannellidae(Vannellidae)、拟变形科英语Paramoebidae(Paramoebidae)与杆变科英语Vexilliferidae(Vexilliferidae)等科[1]。2001年,有学者指出变形虫科、哈氏科与胶丝目英语Leptomyxida(Leptomyxida)为裸阿米巴亚纲的核心演化支[5],后来也有分子种系发生学的研究结果支持此观点,且发现有壳管状根足目英语Arcellinida(Arcellinida)亦属于此演化支[6] 。2005年,一篇研究以核糖体DNA序列分析叶足亚门各类群的亲缘关系,结果将变形菌科与哈氏科归入新设立的Tubulinea英语Tubulinea纲Tubulinida目。胶丝目与有壳管状根足目亦被归入Tubulinea纲中[7]

2009年的一篇研究显示本科的类群中,卓变形虫属可能不是单系群,该研究做出的演化树显示C. nobile卡罗来纳卓变虫C. carolinense)和变形虫属的物种还早分支[8]

Amoeba leningradensis

大变形虫英语Amoeba proteus Amoeba proteus

卡罗来纳卓变虫 Chaos carolinensis

Chaos nobile






  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Page, Frederick C. The Classification of ‘Naked’ Amoebae (Phylum Rhizopoda). Archiv für Protistenkunde. 1987, 133 (3-4): 199–217. ISSN 0003-9365. doi:10.1016/S0003-9365(87)80053-2. 
  2. ^ Thomas C. Cheng. General Parasitology. Elsevier Science. 2 December 2012: 154. ISBN 978-0-323-14010-2. 
  3. ^ Francis Polkinghorne Pascoe. Zoological Classification: A Handy Book of Reference with Tables of the Subkingdoms, Classes, Orders, Etc., of the Animal Kingdom, Their Characters and Lists of the Families and Principal Genera. J. Van Voorst. 1880: 8. 
  4. ^ Baij Nath Singh. Pathogenic and Non-Pathogenic Amoebae. Macmillan International Higher Education. 18 June 1975: 35. ISBN 978-1-349-02620-3. 
  5. ^ Bolivar, Ignacio; Fahrni, José F.; Smirnov, Alexei; Pawlowski, Jan. SSU rRNA-based Phylogenetic Position of the Genera Amoeba and Chaos (Lobosea, Gymnamoebia): The Origin of Gymnamoebae Revisited. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 2001, 18 (12): 2306–2314. ISSN 1537-1719. doi:10.1093/oxfordjournals.molbev.a003777. 
  6. ^ Nikolaev, S. The Testate Lobose Amoebae (Order Arcellinida Kent, 1880) Finally Find their Home within Amoebozoa. Protist. 2005, 156 (2): 191–202. ISSN 1434-4610. doi:10.1016/j.protis.2005.03.002. 
  7. ^ Smirnov, A. Molecular Phylogeny and Classification of the Lobose Amoebae. Protist. 2005, 156 (2): 129–142. ISSN 1434-4610. doi:10.1016/j.protis.2005.06.002. 
  8. ^ Pawlowski, J.; Burki, F. Untangling the phylogeny of amoeboid protists. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology. Jan–Feb 2009, 56 (1): 16–26. PMID 19335771. doi:10.1111/j.1550-7408.2008.00379.x. 
  9. ^ Poinar, G. O.; Waggoner, B. M.; Bauer, U. -C. Description and paleoecology of a Triassic amoeba. Naturwissenschaften. 1993, 80 (12): 566–568. ISSN 0028-1042. doi:10.1007/BF01149273.