

# -*- coding: utf-8  -*-
This robot checks copyright text in Google, Yahoo! and Live Search.

Google search requires to install the pyGoogle module from
http://pygoogle.sf.net and get a Google API license key from
http://code.google.com/apis/soapsearch/ (but since December 2006 Google is
no longer issuing new SOAP API keys).

Yahoo! search requires pYsearch module from http://pysearch.sourceforge.net
and a Yahoo AppID from http://developer.yahoo.com.

Windows Live Search requires to install the SOAPpy module from
http://pywebsvcs.sf.net and get an AppID from http://search.msn.com/developer.
If you use Python 2.5 and have SOAPpy version 0.12.0, you must edit three
files (SOAPpy/Client.py, SOAPpy/Server.py, SOAPpy/Types.py) to fix a simple
syntax error by moving 'from __future__ imports...' line to beginning of the

You can run the bot with the following commandline parameters:

-g           - Use Google search engine
-ng          - Do not use Google
-y           - Use Yahoo! search engine
-ny          - Do not use Yahoo!
-l           - Use Windows Live Search engine
-nl          - Do not use Windows Live Search
-maxquery    - Stop after a specified number of queries for page (default: 25)
-skipquery   - Skip a number specified of queries
-output      - Append results to a specified file (default:

-file        - Work on all pages given in a local text file.
               Will read any [[wiki link]] and use these articles.
               Argument can also be given as "-file:filename".
-new         - Work on the 60 newest pages. If given as -new:x, will work
               on the x newest pages.
-cat         - Work on all pages which are in a specific category.
               Argument can also be given as "-cat:categoryname".
-subcat      - When the pages to work on have been chosen by -cat, pages in
               subcategories of the selected category are also included.
               When -cat has not been selected, this has no effect.
-page        - Only check a specific page.
               Argument can also be given as "-page:pagetitle". You can give
               this parameter multiple times to check multiple pages.
-ref         - Work on all pages that link to a certain page.
               Argument can also be given as "-ref:referredpagetitle".
-filelinks   - Works on all pages that link to a certain image.
               Argument can also be given as "-filelinks:ImageName".
-links       - Work on all pages that are linked to from a certain page.
               Argument can also be given as "-links:linkingpagetitle".
-start       - Work on all pages in the wiki, starting at a given page.
-namespace:n - Number or name of namespace to process. The parameter can be used
               multiple times.


If you want to check first 50 new articles then use this command:

    python copyright.py -new:50

If you want to check a category with no limit for number of queries to
request, use this:

    python copyright.py -cat:"Wikipedia featured articles" -maxquery:0


# (C) Francesco Cosoleto, 2006
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.

from __future__ import generators
import sys, re, codecs, os, time, urllib, urllib2, httplib, time
import wikipedia, pagegenerators, catlib, config

__version__='$Id: copyright.py 5706 2008-07-10 05:46:47Z nicdumz $'

# Search keywords added to all the queries.
no_result_with_those_words = u'-(Wikipedia)'

# Performing a search engine query if string length is greater than the given value.
min_query_string_len = 12

# Split the text into strings of a specified number of words.
number_of_words = 31

number_of_characters = 50

# Try to skip quoted text.
exclude_quote = True

# Enable DOTALL regular expression flag in remove_wikicode() function.
remove_wikicode_dotall = True

# If ratio between query length and number of commas is greater or equal
# to 'comma_ratio' then the script identify a comma separated list and
# don't send data to search engine.
comma_ratio = 5

# No checks if the page is a disambiguation page.
skip_disambig = True

# Parameter used in Live Search query.
# (http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb266177.aspx)
region_code = 'zh-cn'

enable_color = True

warn_color = 'lightyellow'
error_color = 'lightred'

appdir = "copyright"
output_file = wikipedia.config.datafilepath(appdir, "output.txt")
logfile = wikipedia.config.datafilepath(appdir, "logfile.txt")
output_page = u"Wikipedia:頁面存廢討論/疑似侵權/机器人检查"

pages_for_exclusion_database = [
    ('it', 'Wikipedia:Sospette violazioni di copyright/Lista di esclusione', 'exclusion_list.txt'),
    ('en', 'Wikipedia:Mirrors_and_forks/Abc', 'Abc.txt'),
    ('en', 'Wikipedia:Mirrors_and_forks/Def', 'Def.txt'),
    ('en', 'Wikipedia:Mirrors_and_forks/Ghi', 'Ghi.txt'),
    ('en', 'Wikipedia:Mirrors_and_forks/Jkl', 'Jkl.txt'),
    ('en', 'Wikipedia:Mirrors_and_forks/Mno', 'Mno.txt'),
    ('en', 'Wikipedia:Mirrors_and_forks/Pqr', 'Pqr.txt'),
    ('en', 'Wikipedia:Mirrors_and_forks/Stu', 'Stu.txt'),
    ('en', 'Wikipedia:Mirrors_and_forks/Vwxyz', 'Vwxyz.txt'),
    #('de', 'Wikipedia:Weiternutzung', 'Weiternutzung.txt'),
    ('it', 'Wikipedia:Cloni', 'Cloni.txt'),
    #('pl', 'Wikipedia:Mirrory_i_forki_polskiej_Wikipedii', 'Mirrory_i_forki_polskiej_Wikipedii.txt'),
    #('pt', 'Wikipedia:Clones_da_Wikipédia', 'Clones_da_Wikipédia.txt'),
    #('sv', 'Wikipedia:Spegelsidor', 'Spegelsidor.txt'),

reports_cat = {
    'it': u'Segnalazioni automatiche sospetti problemi di copyright',

cmt = u'机器人:发现疑似侵权内容'
cmt_remove = u'机器人:条目已被挂上侵权模板'
cmt_not_found = u'机器人:条目已删除'

wikipedia_names = {
    '--': u'Wikipedia',
    'am': u'ዊኪፔድያ',
    'an': u'Biquipedia',
    'ang': u'Wicipǣdia',
    'ar': u'ويكيبيديا',
    'arc': u'ܘܝܟܝܦܕܝܐ',
    'ast': u'Uiquipedia',
    'az': u'Vikipediya',
    'bat-smg': u'Vikipedėjė',
    'be': u'Вікіпэдыя',
    'bg': u'Уикипедия',
    'bn': u'উইকিপিডিয়া',
    'bpy': u'উইকিপিডিয়া',
    'ca': u'Viquipèdia',
    'ceb': u'Wikipedya',
    'chr': u'ᏫᎩᏇᏗᏯ',
    'cr': u'ᐎᑭᐱᑎᔭ',
    'cs': u'Wikipedie',
    'csb': u'Wikipedijô',
    'cu': u'Википедї',
    'cv': u'Википеди',
    'cy': u'Wicipedia',
    'diq': u'Wikipediya',
    'dv': u'ވިކިޕީޑިއާ',
    'el': u'Βικιπαίδεια',
    'eo': u'Vikipedio',
    'et': u'Vikipeedia',
    'fa': u'ویکی‌پدیا',
    'fiu-vro': u'Vikipeediä',
    'fr': u'Wikipédia',
    'frp': u'Vuiquipèdia',
    'fur': u'Vichipedie',
    'fy': u'Wikipedy',
    'ga': u'Vicipéid',
    'gu': u'વિકિપીડિયા',
    'he': u'ויקיפדיה',
    'hi': u'विकिपीडिया',
    'hr': u'Wikipedija',
    'hsb': u'Wikipedija',
    'hu': u'Wikipédia',
    'hy': u'Վիքիփեդիա',
    'io': u'Wikipedio',
    'iu': u'ᐅᐃᑭᐱᑎᐊ/oikipitia',
    'ja': u'ウィキペディア',
    'jbo': u'uikipedias',
    'ka': u'ვიკიპედია',
    'kk': u'Уикипедия',
    'kn': u'ವಿಕಿಪೀಡಿಯ',
    'ko': u'위키백과',
    'ksh': u'Wikkipedija',
    'la': u'Vicipaedia',
    'lad': u'ויקיפידיה',
    'lt': u'Vikipedija',
    'lv': u'Vikipēdija',
    'mk': u'Википедија',
    'ml': u'വിക്കിപീഡിയ',
    'mo': u'Википедия',
    'mr': u'विकिपिडीया',
    'mt': u'Wikipedija',
    'nah': u'Huiquipedia',
    'ne': u'विकिपीडिया',
    'nrm': u'Viqùipédie',
    'oc': u'Wikipèdia',
    'os': u'Википеди',
    'pa': u'ਵਿਕਿਪੀਡਿਆ',
    'pt': u'Wikipédia',
    'qu': u'Wikipidiya',
    'rmy': u'Vikipidiya',
    'ru': u'Википедия',
    'sco': u'Wikipaedia',
    'si': u'විකිපීඩියා',
    'sk': u'Wikipédia',
    'sl': u'Wikipedija',
    'sr': u'Википедија',
    'su': u'Wikipédia',
    'ta': u'விக்கிபீடியா',
    'tg': u'Википедиа',
    'th': u'วิกิพีเดีย',
    'tr': u'Vikipedi',
    'uk': u'Вікіпедія',
    'uz': u'Vikipediya',
    'yi': u'‫װיקיפעדיע',
    'zh': u'维基百科',
    'zh-classical': u'維基大典',
    'zh-yue': u'維基百科',

editsection_names = {
    'en': u'\[edit\]',
    'fr': u'\[modifier\]',
    'de': u'\[Bearbeiten\]',
    'es,pt': u'\[editar\]',
    'it': u'\[modifica\]',
    'ja': u'\[編集\]',
    'zh': u'\[编辑\]',

sections_to_skip = {
    'en':['References', 'Further reading', 'Citations', 'External links'],
    'fr':['Liens externes'],
    'it':['Bibliografia', 'Riferimenti bibliografici', 'Collegamenti esterni',  'Pubblicazioni', 'Pubblicazioni principali'],
    'zh':['参考文献', '外部链接', '外部連結', '延伸阅读', '来源'],

num_google_queries = 0 ; num_yahoo_queries = 0 ; num_msn_queries = 0

if enable_color:
    warn_color = '\03{%s}' % warn_color
    error_color = '\03{%s}' % error_color
    default_color = '\03{default}'
    warn_color = '' ; error_color = '' ; default_color = ''

def _output(text, prefix = None, color = ''):
    if prefix:
        wikipedia.output('%s%s: %s%s' % (color, prefix, default_color, text))
        wikipedia.output('%s%s' % (color, text))

def warn(text, prefix = None):
    _output(text, prefix = prefix, color = warn_color)

def error(text ,prefix = None):
    _output(text, prefix = prefix, color = error_color)

def print_stats():
                         'Search engine | number of queries\n'
                         'Google        | %s\n'
                         'Yahoo!        | %s\n'
                         'Live Search   | %s\n'
                         % (num_google_queries, num_yahoo_queries, num_msn_queries))

def skip_section(text):
    l = list()
    for s in sections_to_skip.values():
    sect_titles = '|'.join(l)

    sectC = re.compile('(?mi)^==\s*(' + sect_titles + ')\s*==')
    newtext = ''

    while True:
        newtext = cut_section(text, sectC)
        if newtext == text:
        text = newtext
    return text

def cut_section(text, sectC):
    sectendC = re.compile('(?m)^==[^=]')
    start = sectC.search(text)
    if start:
        end = sectendC.search(text, start.end())
        if end:
            return text[:start.start()]+text[end.start():]
            return text[:start.start()]
    return text

def exclusion_file_list():
    for i in pages_for_exclusion_database:
        path = wikipedia.config.datafilepath(appdir, i[0], i[2])
        p = wikipedia.Page(wikipedia.getSite(i[0]), i[1])
        yield p, path

def load_pages(force_update = False):
    for page, path in exclusion_file_list():
            force_load = force_update
            if not os.path.exists(path):
                print 'Creating file \'%s\' (%s)' % (
                            wikipedia.config.shortpath(path), page.aslink())
                force_load = True
                file_age = time.time() - os.path.getmtime(path)
                if file_age > 24 * 60 * 60:
                    print 'Updating file \'%s\' (%s)' % (
                            wikipedia.config.shortpath(path), page.aslink())
                    force_load = True
        except OSError:

        if force_load:
            data = None
                data = page.get()
            except KeyboardInterrupt:
            except wikipedia.IsRedirectPage, arg:
                data = page.getRedirectTarget().get()
                error('Getting page failed')

            if data:
                f = codecs.open(path, 'w', 'utf-8')

def check_list(url, clist, verbose = False):
    for entry in clist:
        if entry:
            if url.find(entry) != -1:
                if verbose > 1:
                    warn('URL Excluded: %s\nReason: %s' % (url, entry))
                elif verbose:
                    warn('URL Excluded: %s' % url)
                return True

def exclusion_list():
    prelist = []
    result_list = []

    for page, path in exclusion_file_list():
        if 'exclusion_list.txt' in path:
            result_list += re.sub("</?pre>","",
            data = read_file(path)
            # wikipedia:en:Wikipedia:Mirrors and forks
            prelist += re.findall("(?i)url\s*=\s*<nowiki>(?:http://)?(.*)</nowiki>", data)
            prelist += re.findall("(?i)\*\s*Site:\s*\[?(?:http://)?(.*)\]?", data)
            # wikipedia:it:Wikipedia:Cloni
            if 'it/Cloni.txt' in path:
                prelist += re.findall('(?mi)^==(?!=)\s*\[?\s*(?:<nowiki>)?\s*(?:http://)?(.*?)(?:</nowiki>)?\s*\]?\s*==', data)
    list1 = []
    for entry in prelist:
        list1 += entry.split(", ")
    list2 = []
    for entry in list1:
        list2 += entry.split("and ")
    for entry in list2:
        # Remove unnecessary part of URL
        entry = re.sub("http://", "", entry)
        entry = re.sub("www\.", "", entry)
        entry = re.sub("</?nowiki>", "", entry)
        if entry:
            if '/' in entry:
                entry = entry[:entry.rfind('/')]

            entry = re.sub("\s.*", "", entry)

            if len(entry) > 4:

    result_list += read_file(
                        wikipedia.config.datafilepath(appdir, 'exclusion_list.txt'),
                        cut_comment = True, cut_newlines = True

    for i in range(len(result_list)):
            result_list[i] = re.sub('\s+$', '', result_list[i])

    return result_list

def read_file(filename, cut_comment = False, cut_newlines = False):
    text = u""

    f = codecs.open(filename, 'r','utf-8')
    text = f.read()

    if cut_comment:
        text = re.sub(" ?#.*", "", text)

    if cut_newlines:
        text = re.sub("(?m)^\r?\n", "", text)

    return text

def write_log(text, filename = output_file):
    f = codecs.open(filename, 'a', 'utf-8')

def is_checked(version, filename = logfile):
	f = codecs.open(filename, 'r', 'utf-8')
	if (f.read().rfind(version) == -1): return False
	else: return True

def remove_log(text, title):
    title = title.replace('(','\(')
    title = title.replace(')','\)')
    text = re.sub(u'(={3} \[{2}%s\]{2}\(r\d*\) ={3}[\s\S]*?)+(?=={3} \[{2})' % title, '', text)
    text = re.sub(u'(={3} \[{2}%s\]{2}\(r\d*\) ={3}[\s\S]*?)+$' % title, '', text)
    return text

def remove_log_online(title, comt, pagename = output_page):
    page = wikipedia.Page(wikipedia.getSite(), pagename)
        orig = page.get()
        orig = remove_log(orig, title)
        page.put(orig, comment=comt)
    except wikipedia.NoPage:
    	wikipedia.output(u'Page [[%s]] doesn\'t exist.' % pagename)
    except wikipedia.IsRedirectPage:
        wikipedia.output(u'页面[[%s]]已被重定向。' % pagename)

def write_log_online(text, title, version, comt, pagename = output_page):
    page = wikipedia.Page(wikipedia.getSite(), pagename)
    text = text.replace('http://','')
        orig = page.get()
        orig = orig.replace('.sixxs.org','')
        orig = remove_log(orig, title)
        page.put(orig + '\n' + text, comment=comt)
    except wikipedia.NoPage:
        page.put(text, comment=comt, force=True)
    except wikipedia.IsRedirectPage:
        wikipedia.output(u'页面[[%s]]已被重定向。' % pagename)
# Ignore text that contents comma separated list, only numbers,
# punctuation...

def economize_query(text):
    # Comma separated list
    if text.count(', ') > 4:
        l = len(text)
        c = text.count(', ')
        r = 100 * float(c) / l

        #if r >= 4 and r < 7:
        #    write_log("%d/%d/%d: %s\n" % (l,c,r,text), "copyright/skip_%s.txt" % ("%0.1f" % r))

        if r >= comma_ratio:
            return True

    # Numbers
    if re.search('[^0-9\'*/,. +?:;-]{5}', text):
        return False
    return True

# Set regex used in remove_wikicode() to remove [[Image:]] tags
# and regex used in check_in_source() to reject pages with
# 'Wikipedia'.

def join_family_data(reString, namespace):
    for s in wikipedia.Family().namespaces[namespace].itervalues():
        if type (s) == type([]):
            for e in s:
                reString += '|' + e
            reString += '|' + s
    return '\s*(' + reString + ')\s*'

reImageC = re.compile('\[\[' + join_family_data('Image', 6) + ':.*?\]\]', re.I)
reWikipediaC = re.compile('(' + '|'.join(wikipedia_names.values()) + ')', re.I)
reSectionNamesC = re.compile('(' + '|'.join(editsection_names.values()) + ')')

def cleanwikicode(text):

def remove_wikicode(text, re_dotall = False, remove_quote = exclude_quote, debug = False):
    if not text:
        return ""

    if debug:
        write_log(text+'\n', "copyright/wikicode.txt")

    text = re.sub('(?i)</?(p|u|i|b|em|div|span|font|small|big|code|tt).*?>', '', text)
    text = re.sub('(?i)<(/\s*)?br(\s*/)?>', '', text)
    text = re.sub('<!--.*?-->', '', text)
    text = text.replace("'", "")
    text = text.replace('"', '')

    text = text.replace('&lt;', '<')
    text = text.replace('&gt;', '>')
    text = re.sub('\={2,}', '', text)

    # remove URL
    text = re.sub('(ftp|https?)://[\w/.,;:@&=%#\\\?_!~*\'|()\"+-]+', ' ', text)

    # remove Image tags
    text = reImageC.sub("", text)

    # replace piped wikilink
    text = re.sub("\[\[[^\]]*?\|(.*?)\]\]", "\\1", text)

    # remove unicode and polytonic template
    text = re.sub("(?i){{(unicode|polytonic)\|(.*?)}}", "\\1", text)

    if re_dotall:
       flags = "(?xsim)"
       # exclude wikitable
       text = re.sub('(?s){\|.*?^\|}', '', text)
       flags = "(?xim)"

    text = re.sub("""
        <ref[^>]*?\s*/\s*>     | # exclude <ref name = '' / > tags
        <ref.*?>.*?</ref>      | # exclude <ref> notes
        ^[\ \t]*({\||[|!]).*?$ | # exclude wikitable
        </*nowiki>             | # remove <nowiki> tags
        {{.*?}}                | # remove (not nested) template
        <math>.*?</math>       | # remove LaTeX staff
        [\[\]]                 | # remove [, ]
        ^[*:;]+                | # remove *, :, ; in begin of line
        <!--                   |
        -->                    |
    """ % flags, "", text)

    if remove_quote:
        # '' text ''
        # '' text ''.
        # '' text '' (text)
        # « text »
        # ...

        italic_quoteC = re.compile("(?m)^[:*]?\s*(''.*?'')\.?\s*(\(.*?\))?\r?$")

        index = 0
            import pywikiparser
        except ImportError:
            pywikiparser = False

        while pywikiparser:
            m = italic_quoteC.search(text, index)
            if not m:

            s = pywikiparser.Parser(m.group(1))

                xmldata = s.parse().toxml()
                if '<wikipage><p><i>' in xmldata and '</i></p></wikipage>' in xmldata:
                    if xmldata.count('<i>') == 1:
                        text = text[:m.start()] + text[m.end():]

            index = m.start() + 1

        text = re.sub('(?m)^[:*]*\s*["][^"]+["]\.?\s*(\(.*?\))?\r?$', "", text)
        text = re.sub('(?m)^[:*]*\s*[«][^»]+[»]\.?\s*(\(.*?\))?\r?$', "", text)
        text = re.sub('(?m)^[:*]*\s*[“][^”]+[”]\.?\s*(\(.*?\))?\r?$', "", text)

    # remove useless spaces
    text = re.sub("(?m)(^[ \t]+|[ \t]+\r?$)", "", text)

    if debug:
        write_log(text+'\n', "copyright/wikicode_removed.txt")

    return text

def exclusion_list_sanity_check():
    print "Exclusion list sanity check..."
    for entry in excl_list:
        if (not '.' in entry and not '/' in entry) or len(entry) < 5:
            print "** " + entry

def exclusion_list_dump():
    f = open(wikipedia.config.datafilepath(appdir, 'exclusion_list.dump'), 'w')
    print "Exclusion list dump saved."

def n_index(text, n, sep):
    pos = 0
    while n>0:
            pos = text.index(sep, pos + 1)
            n -= 1
        except ValueError:
            return 0
    return pos

def mysplit(text, dim, sep):
    if not sep in text:
        return [text]
    t = text
    l = list()
    while t:
        if sep in t:
            n = n_index(t, dim, sep)
            if n>0:
                t = t[n+1:]
    return l

def zhsplit(text, dim):
    ltemp = list()
    l = list()
    ltemp = re.split(u'[,\.\?\!\:;,。.!?:;、·\\\/()\(\)\=\-\+\|]', text)
    for elm in ltemp:
        elm = re.sub(u'[“”]', '', elm)
        elm = re.sub(u'[〈《][^》〉]+[》〉]?', '', elm)
        elm = re.sub(u'[^〈《][^》〉]+[》〉]', '', elm)
        if len(elm) < dim/3:
            elm = ''
        if re.search(u'[\u4e00-\u9fa5]',elm) == None:
            elm = ''
        if not elm == '':
    return l

def query(lines = [], max_query_len = 1300, wikicode = True, title = None):
    # Google max_query_len = 1480?
    # - '-Wikipedia ""' = 1467

    # Google limit queries to 32 words.

    output = u""
    n_query = 0
    previous_group_url = 'none'

    for line in lines:
        if wikicode:
            line = remove_wikicode(line)
        #print zhsplit(line, number_of_characters)
        for search_words in zhsplit(line, number_of_characters):
            if len(search_words) > min_query_string_len:
                if config.copyright_economize_query:
                    if economize_query(search_words):
                        warn(search_words, prefix = 'Text excluded')
                        consecutive = False
                    if (title.rfind(search_words) != -1):
                    	warn(search_words, prefix = 'Title excluded')
                    	consecutive = False
                n_query += 1
                if config.copyright_max_query_for_page and n_query > config.copyright_max_query_for_page:
                    warn(u"Max query limit for page reached")
                    return output
                if config.copyright_skip_query > n_query:
                if len(search_words) > max_query_len:
                    search_words = search_words[:max_query_len]
                    consecutive = False
                    if " " in search_words:
                         search_words = search_words[:search_words.rindex(" ")]
                results = get_results(search_words)

                group_url = '' ; cmp_group_url = ''

                for url, engine, comment in results:
                    if comment:
                        group_url += '\n*%s - %s (%s)' % (engine, url, "; ".join(comment))
                        group_url += '\n*%s - %s' % (engine, url)
                    cmp_group_url += '\n*%s - %s' % (engine, url)
                if results:
                    group_url_list = group_url.splitlines()
                    cmp_group_url_list = cmp_group_url.splitlines()
                    group_url = '\n'.join(group_url_list)
                    cmp_group_url = '\n'.join(cmp_group_url_list)
                    if previous_group_url == cmp_group_url:
                        if consecutive:
                            output += ' ' + search_words
                            output += '\n**' + search_words
                        output += group_url + '\n**' + search_words

                    previous_group_url = cmp_group_url
                    consecutive = True
                    consecutive = False
               consecutive = False
    return output

source_seen = set()
positive_source_seen = set()

class NoWebPage(Exception):
    """Web page does not exist (404)"""

class URL_exclusion(Exception):
    """URL in exclusion list"""

class WebPage(object):

    def __init__(self, url):
        global source_seen

        if url in source_seen or check_list(url, excl_list):
            raise URL_exclusion

        self._url = url

            self._urldata = urllib2.urlopen(urllib2.Request(self._url, None, { 'User-Agent': wikipedia.useragent }))
        #except httplib.BadStatusLine, line:
        #    print 'URL: %s\nBad status line: %s' % (url, line)
        except urllib2.HTTPError, err:
            error("HTTP error: %d / %s (%s)" % (err.code, err.msg, url))
            if err.code >= 400:
                raise NoWebPage
            return None
        except urllib2.URLError, arg:
            error("URL error: %s / %s" % (url, arg))
            return None
        except Exception, err:
            error("ERROR: %s" % (err))

        self._lastmodified = self._urldata.info().getdate('Last-Modified')
        self._length = self._urldata.info().getheader('Content-Length')
        self._content_type = self._urldata.info().getheader('Content-Type')

    def length(self):
         if hasattr(self, '_length'):
             if self._length:
                 return int(self._length)
         if hasattr(self, '_contents'):
             return len(self._contents)

         # print "No length for " + self._url

         return None

    def lastmodified(self):
         if hasattr(self, '_lastmodified'):
             return self._lastmodified
         return None

    def get(self, force = False):

        # Exclude URL with listed file extension.
        if self._url[-4:] in [".pdf", ".doc", ".ppt"]:
            raise URL_exclusion

        # Make sure we did try to get the contents once
        if not hasattr(self, '_contents'):
            self._contents = self._urldata.read()

        return self._contents

    def check_regexp(self, reC, text, filename = None):
        m = reC.search(text)
        if m:
            global excl_list, positive_source_seen
            excl_list += [self._url]
            if filename:
                write_log("%s (%s)\n" % (self._url, m.group()), filename)
            return True

    def check_in_source(self):
        Sources may be different from search engine database and include mentions of
        Wikipedia. This function avoid also errors in search results that can occurs
        either with Google and Yahoo! service.
        global source_seen

        if not hasattr(self, '_urldata'):
            return False

        if self._url in positive_source_seen:
            return True

        if self._url in source_seen:
            return False

            text = self.get()
        except URL_exclusion:
            return False

        # Character encoding conversion if 'Content-Type' field has
        # charset attribute set to UTF-8.

        if text:
            if 'utf-8' in self._content_type.lower():
                text = text.decode("utf-8", 'replace')
                # <META> declaration with "http-equiv" set to "Content-Type" in HTML document.
                if 'text/html' in self._content_type and (re.search("(?is)<meta\s.*?charset\s*=\s*[\"\']*\s*UTF-8.*?>", text) or re.search("(?is)<\?.*?encoding\s*=\s*[\"\']*\s*UTF-8.*?\?>", text)):
                    text = text.decode("utf-8", 'replace')

            if config.copyright_check_in_source_section_names:
                if self.check_regexp(reSectionNamesC, text, "copyright/sites_with_'[edit]'.txt"):
                    return True

            if self.check_regexp(reWikipediaC, text, "copyright/sites_with_'wikipedia'.txt"):
                return True

        return False

def add_in_urllist(url, add_item, engine, cache_url = None):

    if (engine == 'google' and config.copyright_check_in_source_google) or \
    (engine == 'yahoo' and config.copyright_check_in_source_yahoo) or \
    (engine == 'msn' and config.copyright_check_in_source_msn):
        check_in_source = True
        check_in_source = False

    if check_in_source or config.copyright_show_date or config.copyright_show_length:
        s = None
        cache = False

        # list to store date, length, cache URL
        comment = list()

            s = WebPage(add_item)
        except URL_exclusion:
        except NoWebPage:
            cache = True

        if s:
            # Before of add url in result list, perform the check in source
            if check_in_source:
                if s.check_in_source():

            if config.copyright_show_date:
                date = s.lastmodified()
                if date:
                    if date[:3] != time.localtime()[:3]:
                        comment.append("%s/%s/%s" % (date[2], date[1], date[0]))

            unit = 'bytes'

            if config.copyright_show_length:
                length = s.length()
                if length > 1024:
                    # convert in kilobyte
                    length /= 1024
                    unit = 'KB'
                    if length > 1024:
                        # convert in megabyte
                        length /= 1024
                        unit = 'MB'
                if length > 0:
                    comment.append("%d %s" % (length, unit))

        if cache:
            if cache_url:
                if engine == 'google':
                    comment.append('[http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&q=cache:%s Google cache]' % urllib.quote(short_url(add_item)))
                elif engine == 'yahoo':
                    #cache = False
                    #comment.append('[%s Yahoo cache]' % re.sub('&appid=[^&]*','', urllib2.unquote(cache_url)))
                    comment.append("''Yahoo cache''")
                elif engine == 'msn':
                    comment.append('[%s Live cache]' % re.sub('&lang=[^&]*','', cache_url))
                comment.append('[http://web.archive.org/*/%s archive.org]' % short_url(add_item))

    for i in range(len(url)):
        if add_item in url[i]:
            if engine not in url[i][1]:
                if url[i][2]:
                    comment = url[i][2]
                url[i] = (add_item, url[i][1] + ', ' + engine, comment)
    url.append((add_item, engine, comment))

def exceeded_in_queries(engine):
    """Behavior if an exceeded error occur."""

    # Disable search engine
    if config.copyright_exceeded_in_queries == 1:
        exec('config.copyright_' + engine + ' = False')
    # Sleeping
    if config.copyright_exceeded_in_queries == 2:
        error("Got a queries exceeded error. Sleeping for %d hours..." % (config.copyright_exceeded_in_queries_sleep_hours))
        time.sleep(config.copyright_exceeded_in_queries_sleep_hours * 60 * 60)
    # Stop execution
    if config.copyright_exceeded_in_queries == 3:
        raise 'Got a queries exceeded error.'

def soap(engine, query, url, numresults = 10):
        global num_google_queries, num_yahoo_queries, num_msn_queries

        print "  %s query..." % engine.capitalize()
        search_request_retry = config.copyright_connection_tries
        query_success = False

        while search_request_retry:
                if engine == 'google':
                    import google
                    google.LICENSE_KEY = config.google_key
                    data = google.doGoogleSearch('%s "%s"' % (no_result_with_those_words, query))
                    for entry in data.results:
                       add_in_urllist(url, entry.URL, 'google', entry.cachedSize)

                    num_google_queries += 1

                elif engine == 'yahoo':
                    import yahoo.search.web
                    data = yahoo.search.web.WebSearch(config.yahoo_appid, query='"%s" %s' % (
                                                     ), results = numresults)
                    for entry in data.parse_results():
                        cacheurl = None
                        if entry.Cache:
                            cacheurl = entry.Cache.Url
                        add_in_urllist(url, entry.Url, 'yahoo', cacheurl)

                    num_yahoo_queries += 1

                elif engine == 'msn':
                    #max_query_len = 150?
                    from SOAPpy import WSDL

                        server = WSDL.Proxy('http://soap.search.msn.com/webservices.asmx?wsdl')
                        error("Live Search Error")

                    params = {'AppID': config.msn_appid, 'Query': u'%s "%s"' % (no_result_with_those_words, query),
                             'CultureInfo': region_code, 'SafeSearch': 'Off', 'Requests': {
                             'SourceRequest':{'Source': 'Web', 'Offset': 0, 'Count': 10, 'ResultFields': 'All',}}}

                    results = ''
                    server_results = server.Search(Request = params)

                    if server_results.Responses[0].Results:
                        results = server_results.Responses[0].Results[0]
                    if results:
                        # list or instance?
                        if type(results) == type([]):
                            for entry in results:
                                cacheurl = None
                                if hasattr(entry, 'CacheUrl'):
                                    cacheurl = entry.CacheUrl
                                add_in_urllist(url, entry.Url, 'msn', cacheurl)
                            cacheurl = None
                            if hasattr(results, 'CacheUrl'):
                                cacheurl = results.CacheUrl
                            add_in_urllist(url, results.Url, 'msn', cacheurl)

                    num_msn_queries += 1

                search_request_retry = 0
                query_success = True
            except KeyboardInterrupt:
            except Exception, err:
                error(err, "Got an error")

                # SOAP.faultType: <Fault SOAP-ENV:Server: Exception from service object:
                # Daily limit of 1000 queries exceeded for key ***>
                if 'Daily limit' in str(err):
                if 'limit exceeded' in str(err):
                #FIXME: Live Search

                if search_request_retry:
                    search_request_retry -= 1

        if not query_success:
            error('No response for: %s' % query, "Error (%s)" % engine)

def get_results(query, numresults = 10):
    result_list = list()
    query = re.sub("[()\"<>]", "", query)
    if config.copyright_google:
        soap('google', query, result_list)
    if config.copyright_yahoo:
        soap('yahoo', query, result_list, numresults = numresults)
    if config.copyright_msn:
        soap('msn', query, result_list)
    offset = 0
    for i in range(len(result_list)):
        if check_list(result_list[i + offset][0], excl_list, verbose = True):
            result_list.pop(i + offset)
            offset += -1
    return result_list

def get_by_id(title, id):
    return wikipedia.getSite().getUrl("/w/index.php?title=%s&oldid=%s&action=raw" % (title, id))

def checks_by_ids(ids):
    for title, id in ids:
        original_text = get_by_id(title, id)
        if original_text:
            output = query(lines=original_text.splitlines())
            if output:
                    "=== [[" + title + "]] ===\n{{botbox|%s|prev|%s|%s|00}}"
                        % (title.replace(" ", "_").replace("\"", "%22"),
                           id, "author")
                        + output,
                    wikipedia.config.datafilepath(appdir, "ID_output.txt"))

class CheckRobot:
    def __init__(self, generator):
        self.generator = generator

    def run(self):
        Starts the robot.
        # Run the generator which will yield Pages which might need to be
        # checked.
        for page in self.generator:
                # Load the page's text from the wiki
                pversion = page.getVersionHistory(revCount=1)[0][0]
                if is_checked(pversion):
                    wikipedia.output(u'Page %(title)s(%(version)s) checked' \
                        % {'title':page.title(),'version':pversion})
                original_text = page.get()
            except wikipedia.NoPage:
                wikipedia.output(u'Page %s not found' % page.title())
                remove_log_online(page.title(), cmt_not_found + "([[" + page.title() + "]])")
            except IndexError:
                wikipedia.output(u'Page %s not found' % page.title())
                remove_log_online(page.title(), cmt_not_found + "([[" + page.title() + "]])")
            except wikipedia.IsRedirectPage:
                newpage = page.getRedirectTarget()
                wikipedia.output(u'Page %s redirect to \'%s\'' % (page.aslink(), newpage.title()))
                bot = CheckRobot(iter([newpage,]))

            if skip_disambig:
                if page.isDisambig():
                    wikipedia.output(u'Page %s is a disambiguation page' % page.aslink())
                    write_log(pversion + '\n', filename = logfile)


            if original_text:
                text = skip_section(original_text)

                if not re.search(u'\{\{\s*([Cc]opyvio|侵[權权]|[Pp]D-CAGov)', text) == None:
                    write_log(pversion + '\n', filename = logfile)
                    remove_log_online(page.title(), cmt_remove + "([[" + page.title() + "]])")

                if remove_wikicode_dotall:
                    text = remove_wikicode(text, re_dotall = True)

                output = query(lines = text.splitlines(), wikicode = not remove_wikicode_dotall, title = page.title())
                #print output
                if output:
                    #write_log('=== [[' + page.title() + ']] ===' + output + '\n',
                    #          filename = output_file)
                    write_log_online(u'=== [[%(title)s]](r%(version)s) ===\n' \
                              % {'title':page.title(),'version':pversion} \
                              + u'检查至最新修订:[{{fullurl:%(title)s|oldid=%(version)s}} %(version)s];' \
                              % {'title':page.title(),'version':pversion}
                              + u'条目创建者:{{User|%(user)s}}' \
                              % {'user':page.getVersionHistory(reverseOrder=True, getAll=True, revCount=1)[0][2]} \
                              + output + '\n',
                              title = page.title(), version = pversion, comt = cmt + "([[" + page.title() + "]])")
                write_log(pversion + '\n', filename = logfile)

def short_url(url):
    return url[url.index('://')+3:]

def put(page, text, comment):
    while True:
            page.put(text, comment = comment)
        except wikipedia.SpamfilterError, url:
            warn(url, prefix = "Spam filter")
            text = re.sub(url[0], '<blacklist>' + short_url(url[0]), text)
        except wikipedia.EditConflict:
            warn("Edit conflict")
            raise wikipedia.EditConflict

def check_config(var, license_id, license_name):
    if var:
        if not license_id:
            warn(u"You don't have set a " + license_name + ", search engine is disabled.",
                 prefix = "WARNING")
            return False
    return var

def setSavepath(path):
    global output_file
    output_file = path

def setSavepage(page):
    global output_page
    output_page = page

def main():
    gen = None
    # pages which will be processed when the -page parameter is used
    PageTitles = []
    # IDs which will be processed when the -ids parameter is used
    ids = None
    # Which namespaces should be processed?
    # default to [] which means all namespaces will be processed
    namespaces = []
    repeat = False
    text = None
    # Number of pages to load at a time by Preload generator
    pageNumber = 40
    # Default number of pages for NewPages generator
    number = 60

    firstPageTitle = None
    # This factory is responsible for processing command line arguments
    # that are also used by other scripts and that determine on which pages
    # to work on.
    genFactory = pagegenerators.GeneratorFactory()

    # Read commandline parameters.
    for arg in wikipedia.handleArgs():
        if arg == '-y':
            config.copyright_yahoo = True
        elif arg == '-g':
            config.copyright_google = True
        elif arg == '-l':
            config.copyright_msn = True
        elif arg == '-ny':
            config.copyright_yahoo = False
        elif arg == '-ng':
            config.copyright_google = False
        elif arg == '-nl':
            config.copyright_msn = False
        elif arg.startswith('-output'):
            if len(arg) >= 8:
        elif arg.startswith('-outpage'):
            if len(arg) >= 9:
        elif arg.startswith('-maxquery'):
            if len(arg) >= 10:
                config.copyright_max_query_for_page = int(arg[10:])
        elif arg.startswith('-skipquery'):
            if len(arg) >= 11:
                config.copyright_skip_query = int(arg[11:])
        elif arg.startswith('-nwords'):
            if len(arg) >= 8:
                number_of_words = int(arg[8:])
        elif arg.startswith('-text'):
            if len(arg) >= 6:
              text = arg[6:]
        elif arg.startswith('-page'):
            if len(arg) == 5:
                PageTitles.append(wikipedia.input(u'Which page do you want to change?'))
        elif arg.startswith('-namespace:'):
            except ValueError:
        elif arg.startswith('-forceupdate'):
            load_pages(force_update = True)
        elif arg == '-repeat':
            repeat = True
        elif arg.startswith('-new'):
            if len(arg) >=5:
              number = int(arg[5:])
            gen = pagegenerators.NewpagesPageGenerator(number = number, repeat = repeat)
            # Preload generator work better if 'pageNumber' is not major than 'number',
            # this avoid unnecessary delay.
            if number < pageNumber:
                pageNumber = number
            generator = genFactory.handleArg(arg)
            if generator:
                gen = generator

    if PageTitles:
        pages = [wikipedia.Page(wikipedia.getSite(), PageTitle) for PageTitle in PageTitles]
        gen = iter(pages)

    config.copyright_yahoo = check_config(config.copyright_yahoo, config.yahoo_appid, "Yahoo AppID")
    config.copyright_google = check_config(config.copyright_google, config.google_key, "Google Web API license key")
    config.copyright_msn = check_config(config.copyright_msn, config.msn_appid, "Live Search AppID")

    if ids:

    if not gen and not ids and not text:
        # syntax error, show help text from the top of this file
        wikipedia.output(__doc__, 'utf-8')
    if text:
        output = query(lines = text.splitlines())
        if output:

    if not gen:
    if namespaces != []:
        gen =  pagegenerators.NamespaceFilterPageGenerator(gen, namespaces)
    preloadingGen = pagegenerators.PreloadingGenerator(gen, pageNumber = pageNumber)
    bot = CheckRobot(preloadingGen)

excl_list = exclusion_list()

if number_of_words > 22:
    if not config.copyright_google and not config.copyright_yahoo and config.copyright_msn:
        warn("'number_of_words' variable set to 22 as Live Search requires a lower value of %s" % number_of_words, prefix = 'Warning')
        number_of_words = 22
    elif config.copyright_msn:
        warn("Live Search requires a lower value for 'number_of_words' variable "
             "(current value is %d, a good value may be 22)." % (number_of_words), prefix = 'Warning')

if __name__ == "__main__":