


SMART原则目标管理中的一种方法。目标管理的任务是有效地进行成员的组织与目标的制定和控制以达到更好的工作绩效,由管理学大师彼得·杜拉克于1954年首先提出。SMART原则便是为了达到这一目的而提出的一种方法,目前在企业界有广泛的应用。它的首次出现被认为是在1981年12月发行的《管理评论》(Management Review)上(由George Doran、Arthur Miller和James Cunningham编著)。[1]




字母 典型对应 更多对应
S Specific(明确) Significant(重要),[2] Stretching(延伸), Simple(简易)
M Measurable(可衡量) Meaningful(有意义),[2] Motivational(激励),[2] Manageable(可管理)
A Attainable(可达成)[3] Appropriate(适宜), Achievable(可达成), Agreed(同意),[4][5] Assignable(可分配),[6] Actionable(可行动),[7] Action-oriented(行动导向),[2] Ambitious(雄心)[8]
R Relevant(相关) Realistic(实际),[6] Results/Results-focused/Results-oriented,[3] Resourced(资源),[9] Rewarding(奖励)[2]
T Time-bound(时限) Time-oriented(時間定向), Time framed(时限), Timed(时限), Time-based(基于时间), Timeboxed(时限), Timely(及时),[3][5] Time-Specific(明确时间), Timetabled(表定時間), Time limited(时限), Trackable(可跟踪), Tangible(明白)


  1. ^ Doran, George T. "There's a S.M.A.R.T. way to write managements's goals and objectives." and Miller, Arthur F. & Cunningham, James A "How to avoid costly job mismatches" Management Review, Nov 1981, Volume 70 Issue 11.
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Project Smart SMART Goals页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 ACRL - Writing Measurable Objectives. [2010-01-12]. (原始内容存档于2010-02-09). 
  4. ^ Ten Steps to SMART objectives.cdr (PDF). [2010-01-12]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2008-09-20). 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 SMART Objectives. [2010-01-12]. (原始内容存档于2010-01-21). 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 IT Project Management 4th Edition - Thompson Course Tech. - Kathy Schwalbe
  7. ^ The primary meaning (and connotation) of "actionable" is "subject to grounds for a law suit," which makes this term less desirable.
  8. ^ Wiktionary. [2010-01-12]. (原始内容存档于2010-01-25). 
  9. ^ Favell, I. (2004) – The Competency Toolkit. Fenman, Ely, Cambs.